Strength Biased…

First buckle your parachute, then jump out the plane.

First, hydrate up well, then start running your marathon.


There’s a reason we program our STRENGTH focus first, & then plug in our METCON at the end in the hierarchy of importance. And in the case of our programming at the gym this order is important to us because while the conditioning tier is absolutely imperative to overall fitness and physique development, the idea is to always keep the main thing the main thing.

In the case of fitness, there are few absolutes, but one thing we believe firmly in is the very basic premise that getting stronger will promote every single output you hope to achieve. A stronger body runs faster, jumps higher, burns more calories, moves more efficiently, lives longer, reacts faster, exists more confidently, throws harder, carries heavier, holds tighter, defends more vigorously, and most agree, looks better.

Also, our strength portion typically has one or two primary big lifts (bench, squat, deadlift). Which demand more core stability, attention to mechanics, and increased output from our prime movers (chest, back, quads, glutes…). To put us in an optimal position to effectively execute the above, it would be nice not to already be gassed from 10, 20, 30 minute of cardio or METCON work first.

By all means, keep your main thing your main thing whatever that goal is, but never forget that it will be most directly influenced by how productive you are with your strength training.

Train Hard, Stay Consistent & Smile!